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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Change is good... Right??

After much deliberation, conviction, thought, screaming, crying, yelling, and downright thinking, I left my job to stay at home. There were piles of reasons other than to spend more time with my kids that I will not get into, for those who worked with me, you know them, but i did it. My last day was the 25th. It was sad and happy all at the same time. I will miss my friends dearly, but i know this is where I need to be.

On another note Jon has left Post end, for personal reasons, and he and I have been working on music together. Its a blue-grassy folksy feel, but we like it. I have not sang in front of people without being in a group setting so this is very different for me. I am still being way too timid as my husband points out every time we record or practice.. I wish it were just that easy, to just sing, but I guess i fear so much that I will get a negative reaction that I just would rather not risk it. Guess I need to get over that seeing that we have a gig the 12th and 25th of April. We have chosen the name Strother Pass. It comes from an old mail route that runs through Cotton Town. It actually runs behind Jonathon's dads house, and when I first went out there to meet his dad and Step Mother It was one of the first things his dad told me about. It is so interesting, and we relate to it so much that it just worked for our name :)Its really a lot of fun working with him on something he has always been so passionate about.. even if we are getting NO sleep. LOL

I also started selling Pampered chef, which for me is not hard. I love the stuff :) It makes me happy, and people paying me to tell them how much I love the stuff and how they should buy it, well that makes me happy too.

Onto the kiddos.. Maddy is in the process of being potty trained.. YES fully potty trained. right now she is peeing like a pro, i just have to make her understanding the secondary component of toilet training.. Guess it will all take some time. Issak has made the AB honor roll all year :) He is so so soooo smart. he makes me smile. And Morgan ahh Jeez, everyday with her is amazing she just grows and does something new all the time.I am so blessed to stay at home and see these things now :)

To each I will leave you with a quote from my fave show of the moment "Trying is the first step to sucking" :Raising hope:

XOXO Busy Bee J

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